Hundreds of residents have written to the Whittier City Council protesting their tree destruction plan to remove ALL of the existing trees in the heart of Uptown on Greenleaf AV between Hadley St. and Wardman St. Those letters/emails can be accessed on the City’s WEBSITE under Agendas (then click on Meetings and select date range beginning with January 23, 2024).

The letters below provide key background information about the City’s tree massacre Plan.  They were submitted to the City Council by long-time Whittier resident Conny B. McCormack, former LA Co. Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (ret.) 

Proposing a WIN/WIN Solution for the Greenleaf Promenade

A path forward with overwhelming community-wide support of the Public and Businesses – a real Pedestrian Promenade! Please read details, with illustrating pix, by touching the link to the letter below.

Last Chance for City Council to Get This Right!

Tale of Two Cities – Pasadena keeping their ficus trees vs Beverly Hills removing ficus trees and getting sued: