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City Council voted to chop down ALL these trees!

To join resistance, click to CONTACT US

Whittier mayor focus of state conflict-of-interest probe over tree-removal plan

RESIDENTS ARE SO ANGRY – We will NOT give up! Join 6,051 people who have signed the Petition to Save Our Trees in Uptown Whittier And please continue to email the City Council at in protest and to demand
that they NOT execute all of these healthy trees.

Latest letter to City Council

Whittier leaders stand by Greenleaf Promenade Plan, setting course to remove trees

Could a long-shelved Greenleaf Promenade plan save Uptown Whittier’s trees? City says likely not.

Whittier to once again revisit controversial tree-removal plan. Here’s why and when

Could Uptown Whittier’s beloved trees get a lifeline? Some leaders are considering it

Proposing a WIN/WIN Solution for the Greenleaf Promenade

A path forward with overwhelming community-wide support of the Public and Businesses – a real Pedestrian Promenade! Please read details, with illustrating pix, by touching the link to the letter below.

City Council’s proposed larger replacement trees compared to current ficus trees. Our shady Canopy would be gone!

Please sign this petition to Save Our Trees!

Video of packed City Council chamber on April 30 with attendees wearing Save Our Trees t-shirts

Last Chance for City Council to Get This Right!

Tale of Two Cities – Pasadena keeping their ficus trees vs Beverly Hills removing ficus trees and getting sued:

Conny McCormack on April 30 (she bought the t-shirts designed by Joanna Diaz)

Click on to see full reel!

Rally video describing reason for the protest against tree removal in Uptown Whittier:
Emerson Little, Whittier College graduate and MA Media/Photography grad student, Cal State Fullerton University.
Dozens protest plan to remove trees in Uptown, article in Whittier Daily News
Contact to get involved and help us save our trees!

The Whittier City Council in mid-December voted to chop down 108 mature, shady trees ALL AT ONCE in the heart of Uptown, eliminating the phased-in approach to tree replacement discussed with the community for the past five years. After finding out about it, hundreds of residents, including four former Whittier City Council members, expressed vehement opposition, anger and disbelief! Although the Council has agreed to briefly pause to further “study” the issue, continuing to apply public pressure is vital. We must convince them to revert to phasing-in tree removal and replacement. Residents don’t want to lose the beautiful tree canopy that gives Whittier it’s unique charm and ambience!

Click on image for article

Click on the link below to see Drone footage of ALL of the beautiful, mature trees the Whittier City Council voted to chop down on three blocks of Greenleaf Ave (from Hadley St. to Wardman St) in the HEART of Uptown.  Viewing this Flyover, try picturing Greenleaf Ave without these 83 evergreen trees lining the street.  HORRIFIC!  

Hal Jurcik,

This video reveals the City’s track record when removing the ficus tree canopy in front of Whittier College. Replacement trees are either dead, dying or struggling!

Below are excerpts from residents writing and speaking to the City Council:

“Don’t kill our City’s soul!”

“A disappointed and heartbroken local.”

“Why take out our carbon-fighting trees?!”

“Are you crazy?!”

“You’re succumbing to bleak modernization of a community that is unique due to trees.”

“Why was the phased tree replacement abandoned and replaced with a scorched earth design?”

“Urging you to abandon ‘circle the wagons’ reaction to public comments.”

“As a real estate agent, Whittier is coveted because of trees.”

Residents pack Whittier City Council meeting on Jan. 23, 2024 to protest the City’s decision to cut down ALL the mature trees at once in the heart of Uptown Whittier.

Let your voice be heard! Email your thoughts to the City Council at (click on it)

The letters below provide key background information about the City’s tree massacre Plan.  They were submitted to the City Council by long-time Whittier resident Conny B. McCormack, former LA Co. Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (ret.)